Put the verbs in brackets into the correct past formI remember when I1) went (go) on holiday abroad for the first time. I 2) … (just/leave) school.…

18 октября 2023

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct past formI remember when I1) went (go) on holiday abroad for the first time. I 2) … (just/leave) school. I 3) … (study) very hard for my final exams and I 4) … (feel) that I needed a holiday. A friend of mine 5) … (want) to come as well so we 6) … (look) at some brochures from the travel agent's. We 7) … (read) for about an hour when my friend 8) … (find) the perfect holiday — two weeks in Hawaii. We 9) … (be) very excited about it.Finally the day of our holiday 10) … (arrive). We 11) … (just/leave) the house when the phone 12) … (ring). I 13) … (run) back into the house, but the phone 14) … (stop) by the time I 15) … (reach) it.When we 16) … (arrive) at the airport we 17) … (sit) in the cafeteria. The airline 18) … (just/make) an announcement. Our flight was delayed for eight hours. We 19) … (get up) very early and rushed to the airport, all for nothing.

категория: английский язык


I remember when I went on holiday abroad for the first time. I had just left school. I studied very hard for my final exams and I had felt that I needed a holiday. A friend of mine had wanted to come as well so we looked at some brochures from the travel agent's. We were reading for about an hour when my friend found the perfect holiday — two weeks in Hawaii. We were very excited about it. Finally the day of our holiday arrived. We had just left the house when the phone rang. I ran back into the house, but the phone stoped by the time I was reaching it. When we arrived at the airport we were sitting in the cafeteria. The airline had just made an announcement. Our flight was delayed for eight hours. We got up very early and rushed to the airport, all for nothing.

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