Сочинение, письмо другу с описанием родного города (лучше Волгограда).

10 октября 2023

Сочинение, письмо другу с описанием родного города (лучше Волгограда).

категория: английский язык


Dear Andrew, I was very glad to hear from you. I haven't written for ages because of myschool activities. Now I want to tell you about my native city Volgograd. It’s very large and the mostbeautiful city I have ever seen. I really enjoy the Museum — panorama, where aguide tells everybody about Stalingrad Battle. It is very interesting andunforgettable. We ride a boat along the great Russian river the Volga. There is a famous Mamaev Kurgan and a beautifulembankment in Volgograd.There are many cinemas and theatres in my city too. The hotel "Volgograd" is one ofthe most beautiful hotel of the city. Ourcity is worse visiting. Come to my place and see how amazing it is. We’ll walkor ride a bus round the city to see all the attractions and sightseeing.That'senough for me today. I have to go now. Best regards to your family. Write soon. Yours Alex

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