Помогите пожалуйста! Употребить в правильной форме Present Perfect, Present Continuos, Present Simple,…

02 марта 2024

Помогите пожалуйста! Употребить в правильной форме Present Perfect, Present Continuos, Present Simple, Past Simple 1.You (to remember) me? We (to meet) here this month.

категория: английский язык


1.Do you remember me? We have met here this month. 2. Have they discussed this question yet? — Yes, they discussed it last week. 3. Where has mother put my magazine? I am looking for it now.4. Whom are you waiting for? — We are waiting for the doctor. The doctor went out some minutes ago. 5. I have not had any news from them since they left Kyiv. 6. Have your children read this text yet? — Yes, they read it at the last lesson. 7. There is nobody here now. All the students have gone home. 8. It is dark in the street now. The sun has already sat.9. When did you hear the news? — I heard it last Saturday. (ошибка в задании — должно быть местоимение it, так как оно заменяет слово news, а это неисчисляемое существительное) 10. What are you doing now? — I am writing a letter to my friend. — When did you receive his letter? — I received it today. 11. Has your son done his lessons yet? — Yes, he has just finished doing them and now he is watching TV.12. Is it raining now? — No, it stopped rainig an hour ago and now the sun is shining13. She has learnt the new words and now she is translating the text. 14. Has your child got a passport yet? -Yes, he got it two days ago. 15. It is time to go. Have you finished your work?

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