Write a letter to your English friend Jack in about 180-200 words. Your friend is coming to stay in your town for a month. This is part of aletter he…

09 октября 2023

Write a letter to your English friend Jack in about 180-200 words. Your friend is coming to stay in your town for a month. This is part of aletter he sends to you.

категория: английский язык


(город) Russia7 June 2012 (это все с другой стороны написать) Dear Jack, Thanks for your letter! It was great to receive it from you again. How is your exam? And what about your dog Sally? Well, in your letter you asked me about clubs. Unfortunately, you don’t have a chance to join to any sports club in my city, but I know pretty well that tourists like you can visit them. Anyway, don’t worry because my friends are in the most famous football club in my city and I’m sure they can do smth for you) As for me, I prefer volleyball and basketball. These games are amazing! We have a perfect team in my school and we usually take a competition in almost all contest!) I’m also keen on football because of its popularity nowadays. Speaking about famous sportsmen in my area, I have to mention (имя) and (имя). I have visited all their games because they were cheap. Oh, I have some news for you! There will be a tournament between popular baseball teams and I can buy tickets for us. So, I’d better stop here because of my homework. Write back soon. Best wishes, (имя)

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