I. Use the correct tense-forms of the verbs in brackets. 1. It (be) a cold winter night. It (snow) hard and I (want) to get back home quickly. 2.I…

06 ноября 2023

I. Use the correct tense-forms of the verbs in brackets. 1. It (be) a cold winter night. It (snow) hard and I (want) to get back home quickly. 2.I never (work) so hard in my life as now when I (write) my diploma-paper. 3. I (learn) riding a bike when I (be) five years old. I (ride) for 20 years already. 4. Where he (go) when you (meet) him in the morning? -To the library. 5. I never (wear) a tie to work and I (refuse) to start now. 6. No sooner I (reach) the door than I (realize) it (lock). 7. As I (cross) the road I (see) Alice coming out of the bookshop. She (say) she (buy) some English books in the original.

категория: английский язык


1) was2) snowed3) want4) work5) I'm writting 6) learned7) was8) ride9) goes10) met 11) wear12) I'm refusing13) reached14) realized15) lock16) cross17) I'm seeing 18) said19) buy

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