Помогите раскрыть скобки: 1.we (have) six lessons tomorrow. 2.what you (do) now? I (drew). 3.he (not want) to go there. 4.he…

07 ноября 2023

Помогите раскрыть скобки: 1.we (have) six lessons tomorrow. 2.what you (do) now? I (drew). 3.he (not want) to go there. 4.he never (tell) the truth. 5.we (see) himtwo weeks ago 6.my parents (be) in Moscow last year. 7.you (play) chess with John yesterday? 8.he just (come) home. 9.they (read) the poem this week. you ever (be) to moscow?

категория: английский язык


1.we will have six lessons tomorrow. 2.what are you doing now? I am drawing 3.he does not want to go there. 4.he never tells the truth. 5.we saw him two weeks ago 6.my parents were in Moscow last year. 7.Did you play chess with John yesterday? 8.he has just come home. 9.they will read the poem this week. Have you ever been to moscow?

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