Задание Fill in the garps with the Present Continuous.Underline the present (one line) and future (two lines) events. 1.We… (have) a…

21 ноября 2023

Задание Fill in the garps with the Present Continuous.Underline the present (one line) and future (two lines) events. 1.We… (have) a partytomorrow night.Come and stay with us. -How many people… (сome)? — Just a few. 2.-What are your plans for tonight? Would you like to come over for lunch? — Sorry,I cant come.I … (play) tennis tonight. 3.-How long… you (stay) in Moscow? -Till April 25. 4.-What … you (do)? -Packing.I … (leave) tommorow morning.

категория: английский язык


1.We… are having… . (have) a party tomorrow night.Come and stay with us. -How many people… will … (сome)? — Just a few. 2.-What are your plans for tonight? Would you like to come over for lunch? — Sorry,I cant come.I … am playing… . (play) tennis tonight. 3.-How long… .will… you (stay) in Moscow? -Till April 25. 4.-What … are you doing… . you (do)? -Packing.I … .am leaving… (leave) tommorow morning.

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