Задание 1. Put the verbs in brackets into the preseent simple. Jason is 12 years old and he lives in York (go) to school every day by…

11 ноября 2023

Задание 1. Put the verbs in brackets into the preseent simple. Jason is 12 years old and he lives in York (go) to school every day by bus.Jeason's mother (teach) German at university and his father (work) in a bank.

категория: английский язык


Jason is 12 years old and he lives in York. He goes to school every day by bus.Jeason's mother teaches German at university and his father workes in a bank. In his free time,Jason plays to be a football with his friends. He wants to be a football player when he grows up. At weekends,Jason does not wake up. early.After lunch,he and his dad often plays board games or rides their bicycles in the day,his mum usually takes him to visit his best friend,Henry,and they spend the evening watching films. THe children are watching TVi am not going out tonight.You always are biting your nailsNext week they are moving houseLucy is not tidying her room now What are they doing?

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