За бесполезные ответы буду удалять решения! Part I1. The moon (is to go/is going/goes) around the Earth.2. In…

31 октября 2023

За бесполезные ответы буду удалять решения! Part I1. The moon (is to go/is going/goes) around the Earth.2. In Africa (there is/is/it is) very hot.3. Teenagers like to talk about (the love/a love /love).4. In Canada people wear thick clothes in winter (for keep / to keep / for keep) themselves warm.5. In my fridge there isn't (some/ the /any) food.6. Last summer (it rained/there rained/it was raining) every day.7. My friends gave me (a good/good/the good) advice.8. This year (best /the best/better) student in our class is going to England.9. In our town very (little/few/less) people have cars.10. There is (little/few/many) hope for homeless people in most countries.11. Racists think that black people are not the same (as/like/than) people with (white / a white / the white) skin.12. We think that students (who/which/what) miss school are foolish.13. We all depend (on/of/with) each other.14. There aren't (no/any/some) members of parliament who didn't (take part/joined/arrive) in that charity event.

категория: английский язык


Part I1. The moon goes around the Earth.2. In Africa it is very hot.3. Teenagers like to talk about a love 4. In Canada people wear thick clothes in winterfor keep themselves warm.5. In my fridge there isn't some food.6. Last summer it was raining every day.7. My friends gave me the good advice.8. This year better student in our class is going to England.9. In our town very few people have cars.10. There is little hope for homeless people in most countries.11. Racists think that black people are not the same like people with the white skin.12. We think that students what miss school are foolish.13. We all depend with each other.14. There aren't some members of parliament who didn't joinedin that charity event.Part IIElizabeth IBefore Elizabeth I has become queen of England in 1558, her Catholic sister Mary I kept her in (he Tower of London, the royal prison. Only after Mary has died, Elizabeth's life was out of danger. Elizabeth couldn't find a suitable husband, so she never got married. If she would have got married, British history should have been different. She was an outstanding person both as a woman and a queen.During her reign English explorers had a journey all over the world. People had believed that she was a saint. Like any queen she must be very strong-willed and clever. She lived long ago but the British would always remember her as one of the best monarchs England did ever had.Pan IIILearning foreign languagesIn the modern world it is worth learning one or two foreign languages. It is no use to try to find a good job without some knowledge of English. To understand foreign languages is one of the hardest things for people. One can succeed if one willing to make an effort. Some people aren't used to the study grammar in their mother tongue, let alone in another language. A lot of language students wish they would have started their language studies when they were the youngest

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