Write true sentences,positive or negative. Use am/am not/is/isn't/are/aren't. 1. (I/hungry) 2. (it/warm today) 3. (I/afraid of dogs) 4. (my…

19 октября 2023

Write true sentences,positive or negative. Use am/am not/is/isn't/are/aren't. 1. (I/hungry) 2. (it/warm today) 3. (I/afraid of dogs) 4. (my hands/cold) 5. (Canada/a very big country) 6. (diamonds/cheap) 7. (J/interested in football) 8. (Rome/in Spain)

категория: английский язык


1) I am hungry2) It is warm today3) i am afraid of dogs4) My hands are cold5) Canada is a very big country6) Diamonds aren't cheap7) J interested in football8) Rome isn't in Spaine

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