Выберите правильный вариант 1. I love these flowers, they ___ beautiful! А have Б look В sound 2. Do you ___ clean the…

06 ноября 2023

Выберите правильный вариант 1. I love these flowers, they ___ beautiful! А have Б look В sound 2. Do you ___ clean the house every day? А must Б have В have to

категория: английский язык


1. I love these flowers, they ___ beautiful! А have Б look В sound2. Do you ___ clean the house every day? А must Б have В have to3. My Granny ___ new glasses. А need Б needs В seems4. He ___ angry. А seems Б seem В has5. I ___ you to pick me up in the morning. А need Б needs В wants 6. She ___ believe her eyes, the gift was fantastic! А couldn't Б must В should7. She ___ be crazy! She wants to miss school again! А must Б shall В can8. I ___ speak French fluently. А may Б can В must to9. I ___ go to see the doctor yesterday. А must Б had to В had 10. The boys love tennis, but they ___ love schooling. А don't Б does В doesn't11. When ___ the first lesson start? А do Б does В doesn't12. He ___ forget anything. А don't Б doesn't В do13. She ___ have any books. А don't Б doesn't В does14. Alex plays tennis, but he ___ play football. А don't Б does В doesn't15. ___ drink and drive. А Do Б Don't В Doesn't

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