Вставьте по смыслу обороты there is/ there are. 1. In the centre of the room -a big oval table. 2 -six chairsaround it.

18 сентября 2023

Вставьте по смыслу обороты there is/ there are. 1. In the centre of the room -a big oval table. 2 -six chairsaround it.

категория: английский язык


1. In the centre of the room there is a big oval table.2 There are six chairs around it.3 In the right corner of the room there are two beautiful arm-chairs.4 Between two beautiful arm-chairs there is a small round table for newspapers.5 On the table there are many different newspapers and magazines.6 In the left corner of the room there is a big sofa with some pillows on it.7 On the floor there is a beautiful carpet.8 In the corner of the room near the window there is a TVset and video.9 Opposite the door there is a big window with beautiful curtains on it.10 On the window — sill there are some flowers.

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