. ____ Volga is ____ longest river in ____ Europeanpart of ____ Russia. 2. My brother is ____ pupil of ____ 8-th form and he wants to become ____…

23 октября 2023

. ____ Volga is ____ longest river in ____ Europeanpart of ____ Russia. 2. My brother is ____ pupil of ____ 8-th form and he wants to become ____ doctor. 3. ____ chemistry is his favourite subject at _____ school. 4. ____ children like ____ ice-cream. 5. ____ butter and ____ cheese are made of ____ milk. 6. Which ____ fruit do you like: ____ apples or ____ oranges? 7. I go to ____ bed at 12 o’clock at night. 8. I get up at 7 o’clock in ____morning

категория: английский язык


1. _The ___ Volga is __the__ longest river in __the__ Europeanpart of __-__ Russia. 2. My brother is _a___ pupil of _the___ 8-thform and he wants to become __a__ doctor. 3. __-__ chemistry is his favouritesubject at __-___ school.4. __-__ children like __-__ ice-cream. 5.__-__ butter and __-__ cheeseare made of __-__ milk. 6.Which__-__ fruit do you like: _-___apples or __-__ oranges? 7. I go to_-___ bed at 12 o’clock at night. 8. I get up at 7 o’clock in ___the _morning

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