составьте предложения из слов по английскиI have already washed my hairWe cleaned his bookThey finished your…

06 сентября 2023

составьте предложения из слов по английскиI have already washed my hairWe cleaned his bookThey finished your workShe found our juiceMike has just drunk their room her и тоже самое токо с этими словамиI havent the storyYou read the addressWe heard their foodOur pets got the letterHer brothyer hasnt eaten the concertYour daughter written

категория: английский язык


I have already washed my hair. We have already finished our room.They have already found their book.She has just drunk her juice.Mike has just cleaned his work.___________________________________I haven't read the story.You haven't eaten their food.We haven't heard the adress. Her brother hasn't written the letter.Your daughter hasn't got the concert.

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