Ребята выручайте! Переведите на английский фразы: 1) Мое любимое занятие 2)…

06 октября 2023

Ребята выручайте! Переведите на английский фразы: 1) Мое любимое занятие 2) Печатать (накомпьютере)

категория: английский язык


1) My Hobby2) To print (on the computer) 3) Article about rare species of birds4) To roll to (push) the cart on shop5) To look out of the window6) To earn good marks7) To issue the monthly8) Cheap newspaper9) To print (by means of the press) 10) Private school11) You should push more strongly if you want to move clothes 12) John Benson has the personal plane13) You stopped to work with articles (to be through with)? 14) I never wrote articles to magazines or newspapers 15) Bottom (bottom) a line on this page is badly printed.16) It printed (published) results of the research (research)? 17) I don't think that private universities are the best universities in our country.18) My brother never buys cheap shoes.19) We would like to have general idea of your project.20) He sat in a chair, looking in a window.21) Since what time you earn to yourself on life?

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