Раскройте скобки, употребляя необходимую степень сравнения прилагательных. 1.This…

10 сентября 2024

Раскройте скобки, употребляя необходимую степень сравнения прилагательных. 1.This is _ in our city. (big building) 2.She is _ we have ever met. (strangeperson) 3.The road becomes _ after some miles. (narrow) 4.Peter is _ of them all. (old) 5.It was _ time of my life. (bad) 6.The weather is much _ than yesterday. (good) 7.Ann was a bit _ than she usually is. (cheerful) 8.Going by train takes twice _ going by plain. (long) 9.He thinks English spelling is _ than Russian. (difficult) 10.This test was _ of all. (easy) 11.She works _ than her sisters (hard). Вставьте as … as или so … .as. 1.I ski _ well _ my sister. 2.The weather is not _ bad _ I had expected. 3.That chair is _ comfortable _ this one. 4.Peter is _ intelligent _ my friend. 5.This girl is not _ nice _ that. 6.Her child is _ tall _ my. 7.My brother's French is not _ good _ Nick's. 8.These houses are _ high _ those. 9.I am not _ lazy _ she. 10.He doesn't drive _ careful _ she. 11.Her cat is _ old _ my. 12.Peter is _ thin _ his brother. Вставьте some,any, или no. 1.I bought _books. 2.Are there _ books,on your shelf? 3.I have _ good news for you. 4.Did you buy _ milk? 5.Would you like _ tea? 6.Have you _ pencils? 7.Are there plates on the table? -There are _ 8.There are _high houses in his street. 9.I want _ bread,please. 10.Are there _ magazines on the shelf? -Yes,there are_ 11.He has _ information for us. 12.I'd like _ water,please. 13.She sent me _ postcards from England. 14.Did you meet _ friend yesterday? 15.Are there_new pupils in your class? -Yes,there are_ Вставьте some,any или no. 1.There is _water in my glass.I`d like to drink. 2.There are _ beautiful pictures on the walls.Look at them. 3.Can I have _ more milk? 4.Have you got _ friends? -Yes,I have_ 5.Are there _ pencils is your pencils is your pencil — box? Give me _ ,please. 6.She went to the shop,but she didn`t buy _eggs. 7.He has read _ 20 pages. 8.Did they send you _letters from England? 9.Why have _ students gone home? 10.Have you found _ mushrooms in the wood? 11.I`m thirsty.Give me _ tea,please. 12.Have you got _time to go to the cinema? 13.Are there _ pupils in the class-room? -Yes, there are _ . 14.Don`t forget to buy _ sugar. 15.Where did you leave _ of your books? Вставьте something,anything,nothing или everything. 1.He saw _ strange in the dark. 2.Have you _to read? 3.Did _ help you to do your work? 4.May I draw _ I like? 5.I`m all right._happened. 6.They don`t know _ about it. 7.Would you like _ special for dinner? 8.This pupil wants to know _ about animals. 9.Will you have _ to eat? 10.There is _ in the box. Вставьте глагол to be в форме Present Simple. 1.He _ a student.He _ a good student. 2.His father _ a doctor. 3.My mother _not a teacher. 4._ your sister a pupil? -Yes,she _. 5.They _ at home now. 6.This _my house. 7._ they at school? -No,they _not at school. 8._your father a pilot? -Yes,he _. 9.Nick _not a student.He _ a pupil.He _at school now. 10.These men_drivers. 11.My friend _ an engineer.He _at work. 12._your parents at home? -No,they _ not. 13.I _ a pupil,I _ not a student. 14._ this your book? -This book _not my.My book _in my bag. 15.Michael has a brother.His brother _ 20.He _ a student.He _ at home now. 16.These _ his newspapers. 17._there any books on your table? -Yes,there _. 18.I _ a doctor.I _a good doctor. 19._ his friends _ at school now? -No ,they _in the garden. 20._ her sister a teacher? -Yes,she _. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя глагол to be в форме Present Simple. 1. Я не ученик. Я студент. 2. Его брат ученик. Он в школе. 3. Мои родители инженеры. Они на работе. 4. Вы доктор? — Нет, я учитель. 5. Твоя сестра ученица? — Нет, она инженер. Она на работе. 6. Ее сестра не секретарь. Она учитель. 7. Это врачи? — Нет, они летчики. 8. Ваша сестра дома? — Нет, она на работе. 9. Наш отец ученый. 10. Его тетя не доктор. Она актриса. 11. Это моя книга. Она на столе. 12. Мой двоюродный брат не ученый, он инженер. 13. Это картины. Они на стене. Картины очень красивые. 14. Моя бабушка пенсионерка. Она не на работе. Она дома. 15. Ваши дети школьники? — Да, они школьники. 16. Чья это книга? — Это не моя книга. Это его книга. 17. Где твоя ручка? — Она в пенале. 18. Чей это портфель? — Это портфель моей сестры. 19. Чьи это карандаши? — Эти карандаши не мои. Это карандаши моего сына. 20. Чья эта комната? — Эта комната моего брата. В комнате стол и стул. 21. Это твоя тетрадь? — Эта тетрадь не моя. 22. Где твои книги? — Мои книги на полке. 23. Это его родители? — Да, его. 24. Чья это бумага? — Это моя бумага.- А где моя? — Твоя бумага в столе. 25. Эта девочка моя сестра. Ей семь лет. 26. Это моя комната. Комната большая. В комнате много книг. 27. Где ваши родители? — Они на работе. 28. Чей это кот? — Этот кот мой. 29. Это моя машина. Машина новая. Она в гараже. 30. Где твоя сестра? — Она дома. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в форме Present Simple. 1.She (to learn) English. 2.I (to like) music. 3.My brother (to be) a school-boy.He (to go) to school. 4.Michael (to do) his lessons every day. 5.She (to live) in this house. 6.After supper my sister (to go) for a waik. 7.We (to visit) our grandparents very often. 8.The girl (to sing) very well. 9.My father (to work) at school. 10.Usually I (to have) dinner at 3 o` clock. 11.He (to want) to become a doctor. 12.Our mother (to come) home very late. 13.His brother (to go) in for sports. 14.She (to like) reading very much. 15.They often (to take) a bus.

категория: английский язык


1. 1) the biggest2) the strangest3) narrower4) the olderst5) the worst6) better7) more cheerful8) longer9) more difficult10) easier11) harder2,1) as as2) so as3) as as4) as as5) so ad6) as as7) so as 8) as as 9) so as 10) so as 11) as as 12) as as 3. 1) some 2) any 3) some 4) any 5) some 6) any 7) some 8) no 9) some 10) any 11) no 12) some 13) some 14) any 15) any,some4. 1) some2) some 3) some 4) any,some 5) any,some 6) any 7) some? 8) any 9) no 10) any 11) some 12) any 13) any,some 14) some 15) some. 5. 1) Something 2) anything 3) anything 4) something 5) nothing 6) anything 7) anything 8) everything 9) anything 10) something 6. 1) is,is 2) is 3) is 4) is,is 5) are 6) is 7) are are 8) is is 9) is is is 10) are 11) is is 12) are are 13 am am 14) is is is 15) is is is 16) are 17) are are 18) am am 19 are are 20 is is1) i am not a pupil. I am a student. 2) his fbrother is a pupil. He is at school. 3) my parents are engineers. They are at work. 4) are you a doctor? No i am a teacher… .

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