Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple или Past Continuous . 1. Father (to watch) TV at ten o'clock…

07 октября 2023

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple или Past Continuous . 1. Father (to watch) TV at ten o'clock yesterday . 2 . I (togo) to bed at nine o'clock yesterday . 3 . I (vto finish) my homework at nine o'clock yesterday . 4 . I (to play) the piano at five o'clock yesterday . 5 . He (to begin) to do his homework at four o'clock yesterday . 6 . She (to wash) the floor at four o'clock yesterday . 7 . I (to meet) Nick at three o'clock yesterday . 8 . When I (to come) home , Kate (to play) the piano . 9 . When I (to meet) John , he (to go) to the railway station . 10 . When I (to go) to the museum , I (to see) a big crowd of people in the street . 11 . They (to play) in the yard in the evening yesterday .

категория: английский язык


1. Father watches television at ten o'clock last night. 2. I go to bed at nine o'clock yesterday. 3. I then homework at nine o'clock yesterday. 4. I play the piano at five o'clock yesterday. 5. He has to do his homework at four o'clock yesterday. 6. She washes the floor in four hours yesterday. 7.YA vstretchayus Nick at three o'clock yesterday. 8. When I got home, Kate played the piano. 9. When I met John, he moved on to the train station. 10. When I go to the museum, I saw a large crowd of people on the street. 11. they play in the yard last night

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