. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct voice and tense-forms: 1. What time the next bus (leave) for Bristol? 2. Yesterday as I was walking down…

17 сентября 2023

. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct voice and tense-forms: 1. What time the next bus (leave) for Bristol? 2. Yesterday as I was walking down Cherry Lane, I (meet) Thomas, an old friend of mine. 3. We (just/ talk) about him when he suddenly (come) in. 4. We were late. The meeting (start) an hour before. 5. He was tired because he (work) hard in the garden all day. 6. I (talk) over the phone when they brought me the letter.

категория: английский язык


1. What time does the next bus leave for Bristol? 2. Yesterday as I was walking down Cherry Lane, I met Thomas, an old friend of mine. 3. We were just talking about him when he suddenly came in. 4. We were late. The meeting had started an hour before. 5. He was tired because he had been working hard in the garden all day. 6. I was talking over the phone when they brought me the letter.

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