Put in the artikls: a (an) or the 1) Stella takes care of people in hopital. She is ___ nurse. 2) When Ann was ill, we went to ____ hopital to visit…

18 ноября 2023

Put in the artikls: a (an) or the 1) Stella takes care of people in hopital. She is ___ nurse. 2) When Ann was ill, we went to ____ hopital to visit her.3) Excurse me, were is ____ town museum, please? 4) Would you like to be ____ actor? 5) we spent all our money because we stayed at ____ most expensive hotel in town 6) Ron writers articlex for a newspaper.He is ____ journalist

категория: английский язык


1) а, 2) the, 3) a, 4) an. 5) the, 6) a

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