Пожалуйста помогите! 89. Good news! Sue and Paul are coming to stay with us.90. Can you close the window? It (freeze) in here.91.…

07 сентября 2023

Пожалуйста помогите! 89. Good news! Sue and Paul are coming to stay with us.90. Can you close the window? It (freeze) in here.91. My cousin (attend) a university in the Midwest which (specialize) in astronomy.92. Every time cigarettes (go) up in price, many people (try) to stop smoking.93. The food that Mother (cook) in the kitchen (smell) delicious.94. whenever it rain very hard, the stream (overflow).95. No wonder the house (be) so cold! You always (leave) the the doors open! 96. The film (be) very confusing. You (understand) what (go) on?

категория: английский язык


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