Поставьте глагол во времени Present Indefinite или Future Indefinite.If you press that button, you will get a cup of…

28 октября 2023

Поставьте глагол во времени Present Indefinite или Future Indefinite.If you press that button, you will get a cup of coffee (press, get).If it ________, we _________ the party inside (rain, have).If I_________ time, I _________ and see you (have, come).I__________ you if I __________ help (tell, need).I hope you ____________ and see us if you ___________ in Chicago again (come, be).If you ____________ that door, you _____________ something strange (open, see).I ______________ surprised if she _______________ before 7 o’clock (be, arrive).If you ______________ fast, we _______________ time to play a game of tennis (eat, have).If you ____________ up early tomorrow, I ___________ you swimming (get, take). 10. I_____________ my car if I _______________ to live in London (sell, go). Измените предложения, поставив глагол в пассивном залоге.The gardener had planted some trees. Some trees have been planted by the gardener.Doctor Brown will gave you some advice.A famous designer will redecorate the hotel.Steven Spielberg directed the film.Someone has broken the crystal vase.Fleming discovered penicillin.They will advertise the product on television.They often remake films.He gave mea present.10. The waiter will bring us the bill. Составьте вопросы, используя выражение “… going to… ” (what/you/wear/to the party?) What are you going to wear to the party? (when/you/visit me again?) __________________________________________ (what time/Tom/phone you tonight?) _________________________________ (how long/your friends/stay here?) ___________________________________ (what time/you/get up tomorrow?) ____________________________________

категория: английский язык


If you press that button, you will get a cup of coffee (press, get).If it rains, we will have the party inside (rain, have).If I have time, I will come and see you (have, come).I will tell you if I need help (tell, need).I hope you will come and see us if you are in Chicago again (come, be).If you open that door, you will see something strange (open, see).I will be surprised if she arrives before 7 o’clock (be,arrive).If you eat fast, we will have time to play a game of tennis (eat, have).If you get up early tomorrow, I will take you swimming (get, take).10. I_will sell my car if I go to live in London (sell, go). Измените предложения, поставив глагол впассивном залоге.The gardener had planted some trees. Some trees have been planted by thegardener.Doctor Brown will give you some advice.You will be given some advice by Doctor BrownA famous designer will redecorate the hotel.The hotel will be redecorated by a famous designerSteven Spielberg directed the film.The film was directed by Steven SpielbergSomeone has broken the crystal vase.The crystal vase has been brokenFleming discovered penicillin.Penicillin was discovered by FlemingThey will advertise the product on television.The product will be advertised on televisionThey often remake films.Films are often remade by themHe gave me a present.I was given a present by him10. The waiter will bring us the bill.The bill will be brought by the waiterСоставьте вопросы, используя выражение “… going to… ” (what/you/wear/to the party?) What are you going to wear to the party? (when/you/visit me again?) When are you going to visit me again? (what time/Tom/phone you tonight?) What time is Tom going to phone you tonight? (how long/your friends/stay here?) How long are your friends going to stay here? (what time/you/get up tomorrow?) What time are you going to get up tomorrow?

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