Помогитее пожалуйстаа. Нужно сочинение на тему my impression about new york. Что нибудь…

07 октября 2023

Помогитее пожалуйстаа. Нужно сочинение на тему my impression about new york. Что нибудь попрощее

категория: английский язык


New York is an amazing city. I have been to New York only once. Definetely it was the best trip in my life! I saw Statue of Liberty! It's very magestic! Sure I was on Broadway! New York is a dream city. There are many skyscrapers. And when I looked up, the sky seemed so far away. I really liked yellow taxi! It's so cheerful! And millions people rushing off somewhere… I would like to live in New York! And stay there forever! I would like to study in the Ivy League! It's one of my dream! I dream to have an apartment in Manhattan, whose windows I can see the Empire State Building! New york impressed me! I am in love with this city! I love it with all my heart. And maybe… someday. I will open my eyes, go out on the balcony and will enjoy a beautiful view of New York Who knows

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