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03 сентября 2023

Помогите срочно!: Вставить правильныеПомогите срочно!: Вставить правильные словаHELP! complete the sentences.Circle the right letter1. The scientist … his book about rare insects yet.a) won't … finish b) didn't… c) hasn't… 2. what … you…? — it's the picture of my kitten.a) are… drawing b) do… draw c) have drawn3… .you… me to set the table? — yes, of course.a) Do… have b) Did… help c) Will… help4 … you… a good time in the wildlife park yesterday? a) Do… have b) did… have c) have … had5. Peter is fond of sport. He… football three times a weeka) play b) plays c) is playing Пожалуйста, помогите

категория: английский язык


1. The scientist … his book about rare insects yet. c) hasn't finished 2. what … you…? — it's the picture of my kitten. c) have drawn3… .you… me to set the table? — yes, of course. c) Will… help4 … you… a good time in the wildlife park yesterday? b) did… have 5. Peter is fond of sport. He… football three times a week b) plays

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