Помогите составить предложения) по примеру: Sheila/want/teacher/enjoy/work/with children.Sheila wants to be a…

28 октября 2023

Помогите составить предложения) по примеру: Sheila/want/teacher/enjoy/work/with children.Sheila wants to be a teacher because she enjoy working with children.1) Malcom/would like/change jobs/he/not enjoy/ outside in bad weather2) James/going to be/ IT specialist / want/earn/a lot of money3) Gill/hope/train as a doctor / want/ help children in developing countries4) Janine/want/accountant/ like/work/with number5) My hucband/going to retire next year/ want/ heave more free time6) My parents think/ buy/ a cottage by the sea/love/sailЗаранее огромное спасибо!

категория: английский язык


1) Malcom would like to change jobs because he doesn't enjoy to work outside in bad weather.2) James is going to be an IT specialist because he wants to earn a lot of money.3) Gill hopes to train as a doctor because she wants to help children in developing countries.4) Janine wants to be an accountant because she likes to work with numbers.5) My husband is going to retire next year because he wants to have more free time.6) My parents think to buy a cotttage by the sea because they love to sail.

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