Помогите составить не большой диалог про фильм… реплик на 10 в общем

12 октября 2023

Помогите составить не большой диалог про фильм… реплик на 10 в общем

категория: английский язык


-Hey Tom! -Hey Kate! How are you? Did you go to the same movie now? -Oh,yeah,it seems so… So, did you like it? -Well, i pretty enjoyed the actors. Actually my sister wanted to go to the AVATAR movie,but i asked her to go with me on this 'Twilight' stuff.-Oh,AVATAR. I have seen it. I liked it very much! But this TWILIGHT is fine, i think i liked it,because of the whole mystery in there… -Yes,yes, vampires are … popular nowadays.-Anyway, you should watch HARRY POTTER, the latest part. Its now on. I looooved it.My favorite now.-Oh,thanks, i think i am gonna watch it tomorrow with my friends.-Yeah, you wont regret. I just now watch everything. I even watched every single movie,so i dont even know what to watch for now! haha! -Wow, you go there! I am not a such movie-warm.-But the actors in HARRY POTTER are perfect. Especially that of the main characters.Its a fantasy,as TWILIGHT,by the way. you know… -Yes,of course. I anyways dont think, TWILIGHT impressed me.-Thats your opinion. Some people are crazy about it! Millions of fans! -Ha,thats true! 100500% без ошибок и со смыслом=) удачи=)

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