Помогите! Смысл задания: переделавть в косвенную речь.1. I said to himПомогите! Смысл…

25 октября 2023

Помогите! Смысл задания: переделавть в косвенную речь.1. I said to himПомогите! Смысл задания: переделавть в косвенную речь.1. I said to him: "Are you sure about it? "2. The weather forecast said: "There will be a tornado in 3 hours."3. The librarian said: " They have taken your book, but you may borrow another one."4. Mother asked: "What were you reading yesterday? «и вот в этом: Past Continuous or Past Simple? 1. What you (do) when the phone (ring)? I (watch) television.2. Was Jane busy when you went to see her? Yes, she (study).3. What time Tom (come) yesterday? He (come) while I (have) breakfast.4.Was Mary at school last week? No, she (not go) to school. She was ill.

категория: английский язык


1. I asked him if he was sure about that.2. The weather forecast said that there would be a tornado in 3 hours.3. Thelibrarian said that they had taken my book, but I could borrow another one.4.Mother asked what I had been reading theday before .1.What were you doing when the phone rang? I was watching television.2. WasJane busy when you went to see her? Yes, she was studying3.What time did Tom come yesterday? He came while I was having breakfast.4.WasMary at school last week? No, she did not go to school. She was ill.

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