Помогите сделать задание (перевести и вставить слова) 3 класс: 1 Задание. 1. Look at Timm s…

10 октября 2023

Помогите сделать задание (перевести и вставить слова) 3 класс: 1 Задание. 1. Look at Timm s room and complete the text. This is Timmy s room. Look! Thats his computer and this is his desk. It s 1) … and 2) … And look at his toys! That s his train and this is his car. It s funny! It looks like a 3) … .! 2 Задание. 2. Now, write about Kelly s room. This is Kelly s room. Look! That s her computer and this is her desk. It s…

категория: английский язык


1 Задание.1. Look at Timm s room and complete the text.This is Timmy s room. Look! That s his computer and this is his desk. It is new and modern. And look at his toys! That s his train and this is his car. It s funny! It looks like a big! 2 Задание.2. Now, write about Kelly s room.This is Kelly s room. Look! That s her computer and this is her desk. It s very functionsl. And this is her new bear! Look! It can talking! I think Kelly very like she’s room because she have many different interesting things!

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