Помогите сделать задание. Очень прошу! С переводом Скажите, что вы могли…

09 октября 2023

Помогите сделать задание. Очень прошу! С переводом Скажите, что вы могли бысделать, если…

категория: английский язык


1) If I saw some schoolboys beating a smaller boy, I would try to stop the violence.2) If my team lost the game, I would congratulate the other team on their victory.3) If I saw a person refusing to eat some food because of his/him religion, I would try to know more about the religion.4) If a disabled child came up to me, I would talk to him like any other person.5) If my brother broke my cassette-recorder, I would forgive him.6) If I didn't agree with what my friend says, I would listen to him/her attentively.7) If I heard a person tell a joke about people of a certain nationality, I would say that it is not fair.

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