Помогите с англ яз: 1.Who (to laugh) so loudly? — we are. 2.We (to be) often late. 3.She (not to like) to speak about it.4.I (not to…

30 сентября 2023

Помогите с англ яз: 1.Who (to laugh) so loudly? — we are. 2.We (to be) often late. 3.She (not to like) to speak about it.4.I (not to hear) what they (to talk) about.

категория: английский язык


1. Who is laughing so loudly? — We are.2. We is often late.3. She doesn`t like to speak about it.4. I don`t hear whar they are talking about.5. Who is count well? 6. Who did come to you yesterday? 7. Autumn comes after summer.8. I will met Ann the other day.9. I hadn`t seen him recently.10. He came to us a year ago.

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