Помогите пожалуйста 4. ОткройтеПомогите пожалуйста 4. Откройте скобки, задайте…

16 октября 2023

Помогите пожалуйста 4. ОткройтеПомогите пожалуйста 4. Откройте скобки, задайте вопрос. 1. Who (to cry) in the room five minutes ago? 2. When you last (to walk) with our boss? 3. She (to write) a letter to her friend on Sunday.4. How many times you (to go) to the theatre last year? 5. Why Helen (not to take) these books with her? 6. How much fish you (to buy) yesterday? 7. They drink Coca-Cola two hoursago? 8. Where they (to go) the day before yesterday? 9. Where Jim (to work) five years ago? Note: to cry – кричать/ last – последний раз

категория: английский язык


1. Who cried in the room five minutes ago? 2. When did you last walkwith our boss? 3. She wrote a letter to her friend on Sunday.4. How many times did you go to the theatre last year? 5. Why Helen did not take these books with her? 6. How much fish did you buy yesterday? 7. They drank Coca-Cola two hoursago? 8. Where did they go the day before yesterday? 9. Where did Jim work five years ago?

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