Помогите поставить слова в скобках, в Present Simple Passive.1. It is a fact that less energy (need) to make new paper…

15 октября 2023

Помогите поставить слова в скобках, в Present Simple Passive.1. It is a fact that less energy (need) to make new paper from recycled paper and less materials (use).2.When a lot of people (recycle) their paper, a lot of trees (save) and its wildlife (protect).3.Because when forests (cut) , fewer animals have homes.4. Every year an area of rainforest the size of Wales (cutdown) and lot of animals (disappear).5. Besides, it is necessary to understand that when the rainforest (destroy) , it (cause) global warming.6. It's good when children (teach) about the environment from a young age. Then they (understand) that everyone can make a difference to their community, their town and the world.

категория: английский язык


Is needed, are used, recycle, are saved, is protected, are cut, is cut down, disappear, is destroyed, causes, are taught, understand.

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