Помогите поставить глаголы в настоящее простое или настоящее продолженное…

30 сентября 2023

Помогите поставить глаголы в настоящее простое или настоящее продолженное время-.1) You often… . (paint) your house. 2) Martin … (skate) in the park.3) Yolanda and Sonia… . (not / work) here. 4) Thomas… . (take) picttures in the city. 5) Hannah … (not like) parties. 6) When … Elsa… . (come) home? 7) Lorena… . (love) watching cartoons. Louis's sisters … (sing) beautifully. 9) Nora… . (write) some postcards to him. 10) … thei… . (play) video games? 11) Helen, the tourist… . (ask) the way to the National Museum in Paris. 12) We never … (ask) impolite questions. 13) Patrick … (jump) from a parachute. 14) Julio… . (drive) a taxi at weekends. 15) … .you … (go) to bed early? 16) Elizabeth usually… . (get) good marks. 17) The policeman … (help) old people. 18) Doctors… . (cure) illnesses.

категория: английский язык


1. paint2. is skating3. don't work4. is taking5. don't like6. is Elsa coming7. loves8. sing9. is writing10. are they playing11. ia asking12. ask13. is jumping14. drives15. are you going16. gets17. helps18. cure

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