Помогите по ин. Зу. Составить предложения с этими словосочетаниями! contain an innovative…

01 октября 2023

Помогите по ин. Зу. Составить предложения с этими словосочетаниями! contain an innovative idea achieve the goal inspireother researchers

категория: английский язык


1. The plan of the city development contains an innovative solution for roads development. 2. The manager explained his idea on how to achieve company's goal. 3. This scientific discovery inspired other researchers to work with this material further. 4. This building company constructs different building and bridges in the region. 5. With his scientific works he was far ahead of his time. 6. This project ran over the budget long ago. 7. We run behind the schedule in this work, we should stick to deadlines.

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