Плз срочно! Write a report about fast food restaurant you visited . Focus following — location — menu — prices — quality of food —…

15 ноября 2023

Плз срочно! Write a report about fast food restaurant you visited . Focus following — location — menu — prices — quality of food — fast foodinfluence on health!

категория: английский язык


Last weekend my friends and I visited the fast food restaurant. It is located right in the city centre near the cinema, where we have been watching the movie. I think the restaurant's location is favorable because it is close to the other intertainment places such as shops, theatres and cinema. People like to pop in some cafe and restaurant after walking or shopping, where they can have a chat and eat tasty food.The restaurant where we ate, provides the wide range of nourishing food — different tastes of pizza, hamburgers, cheezeburgers, sandviches, fried chicken, fried potatoes. You can eat them and drink coke or some other juice. And You can be really surprised by the prices. They are not very expensive, I can even say the prices are low.But you can't forget about the fast food's bad effects and its influences on our heaith. Fast food is very nutricious, it is made of fat and has a lot of calories. People should think twice before eating. But, in my opinion, it doen't make a big damage if you eat fast food twice a year or so. To sum everything up, people should eat healthy food , fruits and vegetables and, of course, go in for sport. I advice everyone to make a good choice and be healthy.

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