Питание в Великой Британия, (желательно-подробно)! Очень нужно)

07 октября 2023

Питание в Великой Британия, (желательно-подробно)! Очень нужно)

категория: английский язык


This English cuisine, if satisfied with simple food, inexpensive and is a menu of any at every step cafe. First of all, it is «Fish and chips» — fish and chips, which is offered in various forms almost everywhere.Among the traditional British dishes can also be noted black pudding, local cheeses, Cornish Pasty (beef dumplings with vegetables) , stews in Lancashire (stew of cabbage and other vegetables with meat) , Laverbread (mashed seaweed) , oat cakes Pastie (fried dough pieces or minced pork with onions, potatoes and spices) , pork pie, etc.

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