Перевести предложения в косвенную речью i always leave the tv on even if i am doing my homework Yesterday I didn't…

15 ноября 2023

Перевести предложения в косвенную речью i always leave the tv on even if i am doing my homework Yesterday I didn't watch TV at all. I had a lot of homeworkto do. I won't turn the tv off if guests come. I have never thought that watching too much TV is bad for my health.

категория: английский язык


He said that he always left the TV on if he was doing his homework.He said that the day before he hadn't watched TV at all.He said that he had had a lot of homework to do.He said that he wouldn't turn the TV off iff the guests came.He said that he had never thought that watching too much TV was bad for his health.

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