Перепешите предложения употребляя глаголы данные в скобачках в нижной форме. 1.…

25 сентября 2023

Перепешите предложения употребляя глаголы данные в скобачках в нижной форме. 1. they have just… the street. (to cross) 2 … they usually… at the "rossiya" hotel when they are in moscow? (to stay) 3. they are… flowers for their mother. (to buy) 4. in 1965 he… at the town hospital. (to work) 5. he sometimes… his mother to wash the dishes or to look after his little sister. (to help) 6. i… . not… to wash myself with cold water when i was ten. (to like) 7. yesterday i… . at the cinema. (to be) 8. how much… you… . for this book? (to pay) 9. have you… the new film about sportsmen? (to see) 10. they have… . on a number four bus? (to get) 11. last sunday she… . for a walk in the park. (to go) 12. i… . not… my breakfast yet. (to have)

категория: английский язык


1. crossed2. do, stay3. buying4. worked5.helps6 do … like7was8 have … paid9seen10HAve they got 11 went12 have not had

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