Переделайте предложения из действительного залога в страдательный. 1. He is writing a…

30 октября 2023

Переделайте предложения из действительного залога в страдательный. 1. He is writing a letter at the moment. 2. John was preparing report all dayyesterday. 3.We are learning grammar now. 4. At present mankind is making considerable investments to eliminate air pollution. 5. Today the changes in the global climate and water balance are bringing about serious changes in the environment. 6. Many scientists are constantly carrying out experimental work to solve the problem of environment protection. 7. The company is making plans for the future.

категория: английский язык


The letter is being writen at the momentReport was being preparedGrammar is being learnt nowConsiderable investments are being made … Serious changez are being brought by … Experimental work is being carried out by … Plans for the future are being made by the company

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