Переделать предложения в прошедшее, будущее и настоящее время.It is a fine morning today.You are…

28 октября 2023

Переделать предложения в прошедшее, будущее и настоящее время.It is a fine morning today.You are very well dressed.Are you a student? No,I am not student, I am a pupil.How are you? I am fine ,thank you,and how are your mother?

категория: английский язык


It was a fine morning yesterday.It will be a fine weather tomorrow.It is a fine morning today.You are very well dressed.You were very well dressed.You will be very well dressed tomorrow.Are you a student? No, i'm not student, I 'm a pupil.Were you a student? No, I wasn't, i was a pupil.Will you be a student? no, i'll not. I'll be a pupil.How are you? I am fine, thank you, and how IS your mother? How were you? I was fine, thank you, and how was your mother? How will you be? I'll be fine, thank you, and how'll be your mother?

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