Ответьте на вопросы про нашу школу: 1. What is your least favorite subject? 2. What are you classmates like? 3. Does…

13 октября 2023

Ответьте на вопросы про нашу школу: 1. What is your least favorite subject? 2. What are you classmates like? 3. Does anybody bully people in your class? 4.What is good in your school? 5. What is bad in your school?

категория: английский язык


1. What is your least favorite subject? — My least favorite subject is Mathematics.2. What are youR classmates like? — My classmates like History and Arts.3. Does anybody bully people (забияки, хулиганы) in your class? -There are nobody bully people in our class. And that’s fine. 4. What is good in your school? — We are good friends and pupils.5. What is bad in your school? -It*s difficult to answer this question because I like my school very much.

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