Нужно ответить на вопросы*What is meant by "good manners"? *Why are good manners important? *Are good manners universal (i.e.…

31 октября 2023

Нужно ответить на вопросы*What is meant by "good manners"? *Why are good manners important? *Are good manners universal (i.e. the same in all cultures)? Use: say "please" and "thank you"don't interruptarrive on timeclose your mouth when you chew or sneezethink before you speakshake hands when you meetuse a quiet voice to chatbe friendly to peopledon't phone late in the eveningsmilelisten before you speak

категория: английский язык


1) Manners of this type of breeding.2) Manners are important for the society and understanding. For the correct обшения.3) manners in all the countries of something but different.

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