Найдите 5 ошибок: Hi,Ann. How are you doing? — Hallo, Tom. I`m fine, thank you. And what about you? — I`m fine, too. Thanks. You…

30 августа 2023

Найдите 5 ошибок: Hi,Ann. How are you doing? — Hallo, Tom. I`m fine, thank you. And what about you? — I`m fine, too. Thanks. You look swarthy . Do you go to the sea-side last summer? — Yes, I did. I go to the Black Sea. — When did you go there? — I went there in July. — Does you go there with your parents or friends? — I went there with my mom. And what about you, Tom. Where did you spent your summer? — I am in the country. I was there with my Granny and my brother Mike. We had a lovely time. We went swimming, fishing and riding our bicycles. I think I go there again next summer.- It`s good we both (оба) enjoyed our summer time. — Oh yes, it is.

категория: английский язык


1) Do you go to the sea-side lastsummer? Надо "Did', а не "Do"2) Yes,I did. I go to the Black Sea. Надо "went", а не "go"3) Does you go there with your parents or friends? Тут надо не "Does", a "Do"4) Iwent there with my mom. And what about you, Tom. Where did you spent yoursummer? Надо не "spent", а "spend"5) I amin the country. I was there with my Granny and my brother Mike. We had a lovelytime. We went swimming, fishing and riding our bicycles. I think I go thereagain next summer. А тут либо надо в начале вместо "am" поставить "was". Или в конце написать "I think I will go … "

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