Make sentences with the past simple passive. 1. Where \ the 2004 Olympic Games \ hold \? 2. My bicycle \ steal \ last night. 3. St Paul's Cathedral…

08 ноября 2023

Make sentences with the past simple passive. 1. Where \ the 2004 Olympic Games \ hold \? 2. My bicycle \ steal \ last night. 3. St Paul's Cathedral \design \ by Christopher Wren. 4.Why \ the pyramids \ build \? 5. Our old house \ destroy \ by fire. 6. The new rules \ introduce \ last week.

категория: английский язык


Make sentences with the past simple passive.1) Where were the 2004 Olympic Games held? 2) My bicycle was stolen last night.3) St Paul's Cathedral was designed by Christopher Wren.4) Why were the pyramids built? 5) The new rules were introduced last week.

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