М. З. Биболетова, уч. 5-6 класс, упр. 20 с. 47 Все достаточно просто. Your pet got a prizein a dog/cat…

28 сентября 2023

М. З. Биболетова, уч. 5-6 класс, упр. 20 с. 47 Все достаточно просто. Your pet got a prizein a dog/cat show.Talk about your pet to a correspondent working for a magazine about animals.

категория: английский язык


The name of my Dog is Betty. Betty is a Beagle. She loves it when she is like a little filmstar. She is friendly to all, but very unfriendly to the Postman. She likes to play with Kids. All of our neighbours love Betty. Actually she is always quiet, but if she dont like something she will bark noisy. My mother gives her every day two time a day food. Betty likes to eat dog food and bones. She always likes when i am to go for a walk with her. For me Betty is like a Best Friend. I love her.

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