Insert the particle , where necessary. 1) We saw her … enter the room. 2) i'd like … make an appointment with the branch manager. 3) you can……

04 ноября 2023

Insert the particle , where necessary. 1) We saw her … enter the room. 2) i'd like … make an appointment with the branch manager. 3) you can… carry your money abroad in traveller's cheques. 4) may i … have your account number? 5) we want … transfer the money to Canada. 6) you had better… withdraw a small amount now. 7) you make me … think hard. 8) i don't think she must … follow his rules. 9) i would rather … pay at once. 10) he wanted … earn as much as possible. 11) i'd rather … check all the bills myself. 12) you had better … consult a manager.

категория: английский язык


1) We saw her entering the room.2) I'd like to make an appointment with the branch manager.3) you can carry your money abroad in traveller's cheques.4) may i have your account number? 5) we want to transfer the money to Canada.6) you had better withdraw a small amount now.7) you make me think hard.8) i don't think she must follow his rules.9) i would rather pay at once.10) he wanted earn as much as possible.11) i'd rather check all the bills myself.12) you had better consult a manager.

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