I made astupid ____ (calculate) and so thing dadn't turn out as planned.I'd like to do it___ (different) this time.I hope you don't mind. If you ate…

30 августа 2023

I made astupid ____ (calculate) and so thing dadn't turn out as planned.I'd like to do it___ (different) this time.I hope you don't mind. If you ate more___ (health) food,you wouldn't have all these problems with your skin.I want to be an important____ (science) when I grow up. it is almost ___ (possible) to actually measure___ (intelligent) He's___at mending things.I'll just have to do it myself. (use)

категория: английский язык


I made a stupid calculation and so thing didn't turn out as planned.I'd like to do it differently this time.I hope you don't mind.If you ate more healthy food,you wouldn't have all these problems with yourskin.I want to be an important scientist when I grow up.it is almost possible to actually measure intelligenceHe's useless at mending things.I'll just have to do it myself.

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