First conditionalPut the words in the correct order to make sentences.1) money / i`ll / if / my parents/ give me / buy / for my birthday / a bike 2)…

25 октября 2023

First conditionalPut the words in the correct order to make sentences.1) money / i`ll / if / my parents/ give me / buy / for my birthday / a bike 2) we / won`t / if / we / the game / don`t / play / win / well3) you / you / won`t / pass / music / if / all day / listen to / your exams

категория: английский язык


1 I'll buy a bike if my parents give me money for my birthday2 If we don't play well, we won't win the game3 If you lısten to music all day, you won't pass your exams

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