Dear Ellie,How are you? I`ve got a lot of things to dol On Monday, I`m not coming home after school.I _____ (play) tennis with my friends, Helena. On…

03 сентября 2023

Dear Ellie,How are you? I`ve got a lot of things to dol On Monday, I`m not coming home after school.I _____ (play) tennis with my friends, Helena. On Tuesday, my parents _____ (take) me to the theatre. I _____ not do anything on Wednesday and Thursday, but on Friday Mum and I _____ (go) shopping. We need to buy a lot of food because we ________ (have) a party on Saturday! I can`t wait. What _______ (you\do) this weekend? I hope you can come to our party. It _______ (not start) untill eight o`clock, but you can come early. We can help Mum get ready.Love,

категория: английский язык


1. am going to play2. are going to take3. will4. are going to go5. are going to have6. are you going to do7. won'tВроде так, но я не очень уверен.

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