Correct the mistakes. 1.f I were you I had helped her. 2.She will cook dinner if we'll ask her. 3.Sasha won't translate the text if he hadn't found…

10 октября 2023

Correct the mistakes. 1.f I were you I had helped her. 2.She will cook dinner if we'll ask her. 3.Sasha won't translate the text if he hadn't found thedictionary. 4.My mother gives me some money if I want to by a new dress. 5.If the weather was fine last year, the famers would have gathered good harvest.

категория: английский язык


1… I would have helped her.2… if we ask her.3… if he doesn't find the dictionary.4.My mother will give me some money.5.If the weather had been fine last year.

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