Complete these sentens filling in the necessary word in writting 1. He came home took … his shoes and changed his clothes. 2 Can i ask you to…

31 октября 2023

Complete these sentens filling in the necessary word in writting 1. He came home took … his shoes and changed his clothes. 2 Can i ask you to takethis bicycle … to Peter? 3 I was surprised to see how much the boy took … his father 4 We"ve got to take … all the portraits in the classroom and dust them 5 I dont need the magazines anymore you can take them … 6 The nurses took … the patients address 7 When is the time for the plane to take …? 8 Take the newspapers … to the library when you are through with them ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА!

категория: английский язык


1. off2. back3. after4. off5. away6. out7. off8. back

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